TURTLE PEOPLE - An Animated Short

The "People of the Turtle" is an Unkechaug story that appears in the novel Spirit of the Turtle and is based on the version told by former sachem of the Unkechaug, Donald Lone Otter Treadwell (1937-1994). The film was made by 13-year-old Sára Jékely and is narrated by Veronica Treadwell, daughter of Donald Treadwell.


Director and animator: Sára Jékely

Narrator: Veronica Treadwell
Turtle: Keith Treadwell
Sachem: Robert Lee
Woman: Mary Treadwell
Man: John Strong

Special thanks to Kevin MacLeod of Incompetech for use of the songs Black Bird, Thunderhead, Night of the Owl and Firesong. Thank you also to Sound Bible (Cicada, Thunderstorm, Fire, Ocean without birds, etc.). Other music includes Spirit of Native American Songs and Song of the Drum Dance.

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